Buyer Beware Spread the word

June 18, 2020

Buyers beware! DO NOT buy from this company. Production Automation Corporation. I ordered nitrile gloves in March. Their site said they were IN STOCK. They charged my credit card and the sent me an email saying my order wouldn’t ship until July. I was OK with that, but today I received another email saying they couldn’t fulfill my order and they sent me a credit. They SUCK!

The View

November 8, 2019

I was reading in the newspaper this evening , and my wife also told me, that the bimbos on The View verbally attacked Donald Trump Jr. and his girlfriend on the show today. He was there to promote his book. Instead he was verbally abused.

I didn’t see the show so I don’t know what was said. But I do have a question that has gone unanswered for three years. Whoopie Goldberg and a bunch of nobody Hollywood female load mouths said that if Donald Trump was elected, they would leave the country. So the question is “why are they still here”? Are they waiting for someone to buy them a one way ticket!

Are you a smoker or ex-smoker? You may want to read this!

March 30, 2019

Here is story about our close friends, Joe and Grace!

We have known this couple for over 50 years. We are very close friends. Both Joe and Grace are ex-smokers. Joe has had many health issues and Grace has never been sick a day in her life. Joe has a ton of doctor appointments, but Grace hasn’t had any for the past 40 or so years until now.

For Grace, this all started in early November 2018. Joe and Grace were sitting on their back deck enjoying the nice weather and having a conversation with us, when all of a sudden Grace’s voice started to crackle. Then it cleared up. From what I am told, a couple of days later she had laryngitis.  Thinking nothing of it, she stared to treat it like a cold. This went on until Thanksgiving. I guess Joe told her to call the doctor because this was lingering too long. So with some reluctance she did. Her PCP treated her for a couple of months, but nothing seemed to work. Joe says he finally asked the PCP if Grace should see an Ear, Nose & throat (ENT) doctor. The PCP made the arrangements.

The ENT did a check of Grace’s throat and found that her left vocal cord was paralyzed. A CT scan was ordered to find out why. It’s been all downhill, for them since then. The scan showed a 9cm tumor on Graces left lung and something on the lymph nodes near the lung. The Tumor is pressing on the nerve attached to the left vocal cord, and is preventing it from functioning.

A biopsy was ordered which revealed that Grace has stage3 Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cancer of the lung and lymph nodes). Further tests have been ordered to insure that she doesn’t have cancer anywhere else. If she does she will be upgraded to stage4.  Stage3 has a chance of being cured, however less than 50% have been cured. Stage4 would not be curable. All of it is treatable.

I guess they will know more next week.

Needless to say both Joe and Grace are beside themselves. Their lives will never be the same!

Why am I telling you this story? I am an ex-smoker.  I, for one, don’t have regular chest x-rays, neither did Grace. This has opened my eyes! Cancer seems to sneak up on you and you don’t know you have it until something else crops up and sometimes it’s too late to do anything about it. Joe is convinced that if Grace had regular checkups and annual chest x-rays this would have been caught sooner and a better chance for a cure would have been possible.

The bottom line is go get those checkups! CANCER IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!


December 26, 2018

Are these politicians ever going to figure out that We The People voted Trump in as president to do what he he said he wanted to, NOT what the freakin’ politicians want to do?

Arte they ever going to figure out that they are in office to do OUR bidding, not to be self serving and to do what THEY want?

America, it’s time to get all these old cronies out of office. Get rid of the career politicians and put some people in office that are going to do what the folks that elected them want done.

So I say BUILD the Wall, Build the Wall, Build the Wall.


Who’s with me?


MDC & home irrigation systems

November 21, 2018

This summer I installed an irrigation system for my lawn. Customer of MDC water company are charged a bunch of fees on top of our actual water usage. A bunch of fees that were jammed down our throats. As an example here was my October bill:
my water usage charge was $25.06
Water customer Srvc charge was $14.98
sewer customer Srvc charge of $3.00
CWP Charge for $30.32 this is a clean water project charge
DPH Drinking water fee of $0.33

The first month I had the irrigation system I paid almost $400.00, half was for the CWP charge

So we have to pay a “clean” water charge! What the hell. Isn’t the water we get suppose to be CLEAN!

Now they want a 13% rate increase. Really! ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

The MDC is out of control!

Billboard Award Show

June 26, 2018

Did you watch the Billboard Award show Sunday, 5/17/15? For the most part it was OK. A little better than last year but yet, not  great show. Maria Carey sucked! She should move over, get out of the way and let #JLO move on in! Jennifer was great! Actually, I think JLo has moved in. SO Maria, go find some place to hide. You can’t sing. All you can do is runs of lalalalalalalala!

The worst part of the show was the end! Thank goodness it was the end! #Kanye #West is a disgrace to the music industry! Most of his song was bleeped out due to the inappropriate lyrics,, and you couldn’t see a darn thing through all the smoke! Thank goodness! Who would want to watch him anyway? ABC is crazy to air a show with him on it! He should be shunned by the music community!

I’m sick of all these illegal immigrants……

June 26, 2018

I don’t know about you but I am sick of all these illegal immigrants going on TV trying to tell us what this country should do. YOU A..holes have no rights, you have nothing to say that we want to hear. So if you don’t like the way things are done here, get the GTFOut! And for those of you don’t like the rules about travel bans, especially those that wrap their heads, well tough shit. You can leave too.


And the goes for Sen. Murphy and Blumenthal too. Hopefully you two will get voted out of office.

Gun Control

February 16, 2018

As we all know another AWFUL mass shooting has taken place. Once again our legislators put the blame on the lack of gun control and want stronger background checks. I am a gun owner and I have no issue with stronger background checks, but that isn’t going to solve the problem. Background checks would not have revealed that this kid was out to kill people. I am willing to bet that most of these individuals that have committed these heinous crimes didn’t originally have any thing in there background that would have given any indication that they were going to go out and shoot people.

The problem is that these people had something happen in their life that triggered these violent crimes. There is no way to stop this with more gun control. We need people to step up when they suspect someone is going off the rails and alert the authorities. Let the authorities then figure out if the individual owns or has access to guns. They should then be allowed to confiscate the weapons, if they can prove just cause after having the individuals mental health evaluated.

Another thing that should occur is that school employees should be allowed to be trained and armed to protect the facility. There isn’t any way one security person can defend hundreds of students/teachers against an intruder.

I was told of a situation yesterday where an individual in another state was allowed into a school by the elderly, retire bus driver, security guard, just by saying he was going to see this child guidance counselor, without being verified. The individual was allowed to go though the school un-escorted. At the same time a couple was going to the school for other business and the students held the door open to let them in. Is that what is being called a secure facility!

Senators Richard #Blumenthal and Chris #Murphy always jump on the gun control band wagon while playing on everyone’s emotions. Why don’t they try to get more funds for these schools so they can install metal detectors and other security measure. Control in NOT going to solve this problem.

Take America Back

February 12, 2018

Please watch this video and share it. BOYCOTT DELTA AIRLINES!

America it’s time we take our country back and stop the BS like this. People from other countries should not be dictating the rules. If they don’t like the way things are then they should get the hell out.

Walgreen Rite-Aid merger

January 31, 2018

My local Rite-Aid pharmacy became a Walgreen’s pharmacy late 2016. What a fiasco this is turning out to be. When I go into the Rite-Aid pharmacy website to refill a prescription it says all my prescriptions have been sold. When I go into the Walgreen’s web site the prescriptions aren’t there. So how do you refill a prescription? Well you have to call the pharmacy, which is a pain when websites exist that SHOULD accommodate this process.

So I called Walgreen’s customer service today. They told me they can’t see the prescriptions the Rite-Aid store (Walgreen’s pharmacy) has because they aren’t on the same system. Really! How do you take over a pharmacy and not put them on the same system! My next question to the rep was, when will this be fixed? I bet you already know the answer! Yup, they DON”T KNOW! Really!

As a retire IT professional, all I can say is this is one of the worse technical merger I have seen. Walgreen’s should be ashamed of the way they did this and the impact it has on their newly acquired Rite-Aid customers.

I am hoping my insurance company tells me that I can get better prices at CVS ( and that it is true) I’ll switch in a heart beat.